About Me

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saint john, NB, Canada
Hi! i'm sylvie, sylly misfit, chitchatty girl, submissive to my Sir, mom to 2 wonderful teenagers & the happiest i've ever been..LOVE to psp & create, getting back into it after some time off, and ready to rock!
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Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Layout!

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY i am super thrilled with the new layout that
Deb from Creative by Nature made for me... Thank you sooo much Deb, you soooo rawked it! ♥

Looking forward to getting this blog going again, finally! It's been awhile, i've been a busy girl, but missing my hobby bigtime.. Think i needed the rest - had a bit of burn out..

So look forward to some more new things coming soon!

xoxo, sylvie

Friday, August 12, 2011

WIGGLE template ♥

i know, it's been forEVER, but finally a new template for ya's to play with! =)
'You make my downstairs wiggle' .. Enjoy!

You can download the template on my 4shared..HERE

xox, sylvie

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Collab templates 1&2 with Kristin/Toxic Desirez

Yahoooo, got the opportunity to do a template collaboration with Kristin and love how the templates turned out ...

You can download the two templates i finished (template 1 & 2) HERE (pictured below)
Then you can head to Kristin's blog Toxic Desirez to grab the other 2 HERE

Thanks for collab'in with me Kristin ! Had lotsa fun!! <3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

new template #3

woohoo made a new template - finally...
hope someone can find a use for it :)

you can download the template HERE
and of course preview is smaller than the original

<3 sylvie

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

collab templates with aqua again! :)

aqua and i went with a rebel theme this time, and each started a template and the other finished it, here is the template she started and that i finished, yay !!
i have a lot of fun doing these template collaborations haha..
thank you aquapiiiie, you rawked them with me!

you can download this template HERE
and you can download the other template on Aqua's Blog HERE

by the way the template is at 80% :)

new tutorial & template :)

woohoo, finally wrote a new tutorial.. it's been ages!
i made a template to go with the tutorial but i will post it here rather than in my supplies.
of course you don't have to do my tutorial to use the template, lol.
(the template is at 70%)

the template you can grab HERE

and now , here is my tutorial... i used the template for this tag :)
the tag is much bigger but ya know, blogger, sizes, etc lol!
the kit used is Rockattude by the fabulous Kristin at Toxic Desirez
go check it out!

You can get to the tutorial HERE
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

misfits temps 1 & 2

aaay, made some templates for the misfits template challenge..
we had to create templates using circles, and this is what i came up with.
oh and a lil warning - if you don't like bad language, theyre prob not the temps for you, lol. so this is template 1 & 2 of misfits temps :)
the white background is so you can see the temps a lil better since my blog is in pink!
and of course it says sylly creationz my old blog name cuz i made them just before this blog was made..

if you would like them, you must download them off the misfits blog HERE

xx, sylvie

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